2024 高考英语作文真题及优秀范文(新高考Ⅰ&Ⅱ卷),你想知道的都在这里优质

4次浏览 | 2024-10-19 16:41:23 更新
来源 :互联网


Last Friday, I had an amazing art class in a park. The park was filled with the fresh air and beautiful scenery. It was a large park near my home in Shanghai. There were around twenty people in the art class. We were all excited to start. The teacher explained the task simply but clearly.

We quickly spread out and found our own little spots. I could see people under the trees or near the small lake, ready to create.

The Task

We were tasked to draw or paint something that impressed us most. Some people focused on the tall trees, with their green leaves dancing in the wind. I saw a girl sitting near a flower bed, carefully observing the colorful flowers. I myself was attracted to a squirrel that was running up and down a tree.

It was not easy to capture the moment. I had to be fast with my pencil as the squirrel didn't stay still for long. I sketched the basic shape first, and then added details like its fluffy tail.

Absorbing in the Creation

As I painted, I felt a deep sense of peace. Time seemed to slow down. There were no distractions. The sounds around me, like the birds singing and the wind blowing through the grass, became part of my inspiration instead of noises.

I started using colors from my paint box. The brown for the squirrel, the green for the tree trunk, and the light blue for the sky in the background. Every stroke was filled with my concentration. I was not just painting an animal, but also the beauty of nature.

Interaction with Others

During the class, we also interacted with each other. I walked around a bit to see what others were creating. A boy showed me his painting of the lake. The reflection of the sky and trees on the water was so vivid.

We shared some tips and ideas. One person told me how to make my squirrel look more lively by adding some shadow. This kind of interaction made the art class more interesting and educational.

The Final Works

When the time was up, we all put our works together. It was amazing to see how different our works were, even though we were in the same park. There were beautiful landscape paintings, detailed portraits of animals, and some creative abstract works inspired by the park.

One lady's work was especially impressive. She painted a sunset over the park bench, with warm colors and a dreamy atmosphere. The teacher praised all of our works and pointed out the unique features in each one.

The Afterthought

In a word, it was not just an art class; it was a moment of connection with nature that I truly cherished. After that class, I realized that art can be a powerful way to express our feelings for nature. Have you ever had an art experience in nature? If so, share your story in the comments, and don't forget to like and share this article.。


发布于 2024-10-19 16:41:23
上一篇:2024 高考英语作文预测:运动健康类,你准备好了吗? 下一篇:2024 高考英语作文真题及优秀范文(北京卷)


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